Love. Whether it's religious or secularist, capitalist or communist, optimist or nihilist, it's the time of year where everyone needs to "chill" and appreciate those we love and those who love us.
Well, after more than a year of blogging at this site, Christmas 2009 has finally arrived. Keeping up with all things Christmas has been a truly daunting but enjoyable task and I've learned quite a bit. One of the things I've learned is just how ridiculous the "War on Christmas" is. Don't get your religion mixed up with the ancient celebration of the winter soltice and nobody gets hurt. Since the dawn of man, people have prayed for the return of warm weather for the return of crops and better hunting. It's been co-opted a million times over to suit whatever religion/philosphy/scam wishes to make it their own and it will continue to be co-opted. I say stick to your belief and I'll stick to mine.
I'm throwing my hat in with Santa Claus. Nobody ever went to war in his name and he's got a positive message - "Be good for goodness sake".
The message of the Kindie Christmas has always been about love. I really think Christmas (and I can't think of anything better to call it) should just be about paying attention to those in your life who look out for you, encourage you and love you. And, you them.
I was fortunate enough to celebrate Christmas early when Hipwader DJ and I performed for the UCSF Children's Hospital and California Pacific Medical Center's Pediatric Ward. Expecting sad, miserable kids we found instead happy, joyous children challenged by adversity but not showing any signs of letting their medical ailments get their spirits down. Hearing the children laugh and seeing their beaming smiles during our performances gave us more joy than we would have ever expected. Like the Grinch, I think my heart 3 sizes that day.
I'm going to try and carry that feeling for the rest of my life. Now, on a less serious's a cartoon!
So, I woke this morning to a couple of surprises. First, Kalani Hubbard had uploaded the video for "It's Wintertime" which we had collaborated on. I spent hours (really) viewing public domain VHS cassettes full of old Christmas cartoons. I never realized how many of them existed. Unfortunately, most of them were pretty bad. Fortunately, I located some scenes that fit the lyrics perfectly. Kalani then came over to our "studio" (garage) and videotaped our bobbleheads on our winter-decorated stage - an Angelina Ballerina doll stage purchased on eBay!). Add some cool Noggin Bop wind-ups and a robot Santa and you got some wintertime fun.
The second surprise was it has snowed in the Bay Area! First time in over a decade it's actually snowed enough to stick on the ground and there's actually a few inches in some places.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, indeed!
Monday, December 7, 2009 CD Review: "A Kindie Chrismas" by The Hipwaders The following is a review of a promotional copy generously provided by the band...
I went into my first listen of this CD without knowing that The Hipwaders are an award winning kid's music act and for once my ignorance paid off allowing me to listen without preconceptions. Well, I did actually have some preconceptions, based on my misreading the album title (as "A Kindle Christmas") and it's whimsical graphics I was expecting a collection of novelty tunes with names like "The 12 Days of Facebook" or "Twas the Txt b4 Xmas". Imagine my (very pleasant) surprise to find, instead, a charming sleighful of lightly rockin' rootsy Christmas tracks that the whole family can enjoy throughout the holiday season. Then I re-read the tite - Kindie = Kid's Indie. Doh!
As I mentioned The Hipwaders are a kid's act but there's nothing juvenile about their work. This is the new wave of kid's tunes with integrity and street cred popularized by the likes of They Might Be Giants, Barenaked Ladies, Dan Zanes, Peter Himmelman and Los Lobos. In fact my wife at first thought I was listening to REM. The songs are simple, catchy and a welcome addition to any family's holiday music collection.
"A Kindie Christmas" is a fun, everyone in the family friendly disc that is well worth listen. Preview and/or buy it at lala, order A Kindie Christmas at Amazon or visit The Hipwaders Website.
Getting a mentioned in a poem has never been a band goal but now that this has happened I must say it's kind of cool. Poetry Midwest, an internet literary magazine, published the following poem by writer/poet/food & wine critic, etc... Jen Karetnick. In this poem, Mrs. Karetnick dons her travel writer/food critic/poet (paper hat) to document her experience at the Jelly Belly Candy Factory where The Hipwaders last performed over 3 years ago. I love her description of us as, "A Mel Brooks version of The Beach Boys".
However, I must point out that the band has never, nor will ever, perform songs from "TheLion King". This sort of treacle can join the list of songs by other composers for whom The Hipwaders will never perform such as Diane Warren and Andrew Lloyd Webber. We would rather eat a dozen boxes of Jelly Belly's Harry Potter Bertie Botts. With that said, after the poem enjoy our specially-made version of "Jellybeans" for the Jelly Belly company that has never been published. We were hoping the company could use the song in some way for promotion. Sadly, the never did.
Made back in 2001 to entertain my boys, this video features my HO scale train layout with some additional classic Christmas characters doing their thing. The most awesome Kalani Hubbard edited my crummy raw footage replacing my original demo to fit the new Hipwaders' recording. My youngest slowly destroyed the layout during his toddler years and sadly, the layout was retired...
It's the day that's been over 20 years in the making. Really. A couple of tracks from "A Kindie Christmas" date from the late '80's and like a good fruitcake have been properly aged to perfection.
OK, I can't believe I just wrote that either.
Despite bad analogies we think you may like our new album.
Really there's no real way of convincing you unless you check out the music, right? So, why don't you check out "Wake Up" animated by Santa's little helpers over at Planet Sunday...
Here's a preview of our coming attraction:
Want to hear more? Check out the samples over here:
Here's a demo of a new song we recorded in our garage for you to enjoy. It's the "true" story of "Bonobo Joe & The Voodoo Queen". Get it now cuz it's gonna be gone after Halloween...
In a little over a week our Christmas CD, "A Kindie Christmas", will officially be released. Here's a preview of what one can expect from the album. It's for the song, "Santasploitation". It should answer any questions you may have.
The first annual Tricycle Music Fest West occurred October 10th on the steps of the Main Library in San Francisco. First off let me say what an amazing library this is. I'm used to the libraries in the podunk towns I'm more apt to utilize. Next, security is tight. I'm not sure why, but it is the civic center area of downtown San Francisco where many a famous protest has taken place and is home to the many odiferous downtrodden of the city.
More importantly, it was the site of the first Bay Area kid music festival - that I know of. It kicked off to an appropriate start with Charity Kahn and her amazing JAMband. Stellar musicianship along with Charity's unique ability to engage children to participate in her "music & movement" proved irresistable.
Frances England then brought her band out to perform her brilliantly perfect folk/pop gems that appeal to her preschool fans as well as her adult fans who may be even more enamored with her music.
The Devilettes brought their Pipsqueak A-Go-Go show and got the little ones and their parents go-go dancing to long forgotten dances of the '60's. It was great to hear the Time-Outs' "Pipsqueak A-Go-Go" theme song coming out of the speakers in anticipation of their show later that afternoon.
Our band, The Hipwaders, performed next but more about that later...
After us, The Time-Outs brought out their '60's Frat Rock sound - think "Wooly Bully". Their originals e.g. "Scooter Cats" & "Bathtime (is Party Time)" have "that" sound that makes for FUN kids music. They had terrific taste in covers (in my book) as proven by their choices in performing Jonathan Richman's "I'm A Little Airplane" and The Trashmen's "Surfin' Bird". They'd be first to admit they have no shame and that folks, makes for mighty fine entertainment!
Now we can't evaluate our own performance as that'd be ridiculous. You'll have to go elsewhere for that. However, we can say we had a blast and were fortunate to have Charity Kahn come out and help us sing the theme to "Sesame Street" and Frances England came out and sang her own "Books I Like to Read" as we backed her. Unfortunately, our show was marred by our a poor vocal mix (nobody's mic was as loud as mine!) so I'm unable to post any videos from those performances.
I am able to post these videos (although Zooglobble beat me to the punch!) even though drummer Nick's harmonies are still mixed way too low.
Lastly, we wish to thank Christy Estrovitz and the entire staff at the SF Library for hosting the show for the people of the Bay Area. Libraries ROCK!
When I was ten years old I traveled alone to Quito, Ecuador, to spend a summer with my relatives.After a few weeks of hearing & reading nothing but Spanish I began craving English.I wanted to hear it, see it, read it.I found it to be the strangest craving I’ve ever had.I quickly found that imported English-language comic books satisfied that need.It’s true that comic books are a kid’s best friend.
As an insecure, semi-neurotic kid, one would think I’d have a natural attraction to superhero comics.Actually, I found them kind of silly and difficult to get into as I felt I was dropped into the middle of a storyline due to their self-referential nature (*see issue #148!).
I found Archie comics to be much more interesting.Here were several people that acted like a family (of which I missed back in California) and they played in a band.Being the huge Beatles, Monkees, Jackson 5 and Partridge Family fan, I was a sucker for any story lines involving a band.
Jump to the present time and I’m surfing the net looking for something/anything to keep me in the Christmas mood while my band, The Hipwaders, records our Christmas album.Very few things can give one the feeling of Christmas while the weather is warming up and Spring is blooming all around.
I come across something called Cool Yule Comics and I’m instantly intrigued.Why, there’s this fellow named George Broderick Jr. who’s drawn some Christmas-themed comics involving a female superhero named “Christmas Eve” and she looks like she could have stepped out of an Archie Comic parallel universe with her Betty/Veronica looks!
I quickly order the package deal which includes 3 comic books and relieved to find the first book has the “origins” storyline of Christmas Eve.Everyone knows that the most interesting storyline for any superhero is the “origin” story.The fact that she’s a superhero doesn’t even bug me as it’s a Christmas tale and Christmas is the best make-believe world there is.
Now, George has not only come up with a great character, he’s come up with lots of great characters with witty, intelligent dialog and story lines.These are family-oriented tales that kids AND grownups can enjoy together on different levels.There’s funny stuff that only the parents will get and that’s the stuff that’ll get the parents reading to their kids. I instantly found a kindred spirit in George when it came to entertaining kids.The Hipwaders have always felt that family-oriented art - art that brings all family members together - be it music, literature or visual art, is truly the key to the best entertainment for kids.After all, if it doesn’t appeal to the adults, there’s a good chance it will never be seen or heard by kids.
So, check out George’s Cool Yule Comics.You can even see pages in E-Book form.The actual hard-copy books are very colorful and printed on quality paper – much better quality than what I was used to as a kid.If you’re looking for a new way to get yourself AND your kids into the holiday spirit, get yourself over to Cool Yule Comics and purchase some Christmas joy.
We thought so much of George’s work we asked if he’d do us the honor of using a song from our forthcoming Christmas CD, “A Kindie Christmas” and apply it to a slideshow of his Christmas comic book art.He did.So here’sThe Hipwaders with George Broderick Jr.’s art…
If you're interested in The Hipwaders' album, "A Kindie Christmas", it will be released officially on November 3rd, 2009. If you're the impatient type and want to hear the songs now , go HERE.
It's that time of year again when you're putting on those new clothes Mom bought for the first day of school and the kids from "last year" look a little different - older - than they did just a couple of months ago. An unfamiliar classroom, a teacher you're not sure about yet and a whole new routine that feels uncomfortable.
We thought we'd help you out by give you a couple of songs that have that familiar Hipwaders sound but perhaps they too seem a little different.
We recorded these songs in our garage with less than professional equipment but still tried to make it sound as good as possible for the money spent. Which was none. O.k., I did have to waste a few blank cds trying to get the mixes right as possible.
We've been playing this song for a while and Hipwader Nick sings it. He actually sings a song off our forthcoming Christmas disc, too. It's a fun song to play.
We've also been playing this song for a while and there's a live version of us on YouTube playing this but the sound & video quality is kinda lame but it also kinda rocks.
So download these songs onto your MP3 player and chill out on the bus/car/dirigible during your ride to school and ignore that big kid giving you the stink eye.
It was just like Christmas when AM Radio broadcast it's first piece of music. Well, actually, it really was. Christmas Eve, 1906 was the first time that music was broadcast on the radio.
Reginald Fessenden was a brilliant Canadian inventor who got his start working for Thomas Edison and through his life received hundreds of patents in radio, sonar and television. After demonstration of a new alternator-transmitter at his transmitting station in Brant Rock, Massachusetts, a few days earlier, "Fezzie" (as he was called) broadcast the first radio show at 9pm on December 24th, 1906. Fezzie laid down some smooth patter (unknown if he sounded like Wolfman Jack) and then had to read some bible verses after his wife and secretary got mic fright which resulted in the first case of "dead air" on the radio. Besides playing Edison's cylindar recording of Handel's "Largo", Fezzie pulled out his violin, and, in the first "live on the radio" performance played, "O Holy Night".
Reportedly, the main audience for this first ever radio show was a number of shipboard radio operators along the Atlantic Coast. This landmark broadcast was barely noted and soon forgotten. Ouch! I guess Fezzie wasn't much of a violinist. Or perhaps his over-use of sound effects and gimmicks such as slide-whistle, bike horn and his incessant, "What's up, New England?!", was a listener turn off. In any event, I can't think of a better tune than "O Holy Night" to be the first song ever performed live on the radio.
"O Holy Night" is a righteous tune that I previously expressed my admiration for and wrote about (see December 24th, 2008 post). It was composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to accompany the French poem, "Minuit, Chretiens" which I think might mean, "One Minute, You Cretins" or "Midnight, Christians". I'm not really sure as I don't read or speak French.
Today is Adolphe Adam's birthday and I really think the guys deserves a salute. Besides writing one of the most beautiful melodies in the world, he's well-known for his Operas (e.g. "Si J'Etais Roi), and (besides, "O Holy Night"), most notably his ballet, "Giselle".
Young Adolphe preferred to improvise music rather that study seriously. He studied organ and harmonium at the Paris Conservatoire. After playing triangle in the Conservatoir Orchestra and not winning the Grand Prix de Rome, his father discouraged his choice of a music career. Many students since have realized the lack of potential stardom from playing triangle. However, Adolphe got the last laugh after making a name for himself in the music world as a composer. It's a lesson to be learned that proficient technical skills on an instrument won't neccessarily put money in your pocket. Adolphe learned that you've got to write a hit.